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Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yes, I've been slacking on my posts.  But no, I haven't really been slacking in other areas.

The reason I've been bad is because I've just been really busy.  The past few days have been crazy, plus I'm still a bit tired from overdoing it last week.

As another blog reminded me, this morning was the High Heel-a-Thon on Regis and Kelly.  Unfortunately I was teaching this morning so I missed it.  Bummer!

My sister introduced me to this event a few years ago.  She's by far one of the biggest Regis and Kelly fans I know.  She works, so she records every episode and watched it later in the day.  Anyway, one year we were all together at my parent's house when the High Heel A-Thon aired.  It was a blast to watch.

I would consider doing it if it weren't for the fact that just thinking about running in high heels gives me shin splints.  Ouch!

I know there are a lot of themed races out there which is totally up my alley.  I know there's the Princess marathon (or maybe it's a half) at Disney, warrior races in various areas, urban-athalon's, etc. 

Have you ever done one of these sort of events?

Aside from Spin Odyssey I haven't done any physical events.  And yes, SO has an overall theme of breast cancer awareness, but that's not a real theme.  Maybe next year I can wear some sort of fun sparkly pink costume.  Now the gears are turning.

Happy Wednesday all!

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