Some people run their mouths and those people are called Sh*t Talkers. They talk just to talk and don't care what they say or how it affects others.
I like to talk, but I hope that most of what I say has value, is helpful, and never insults anyone. Therefore, I consider myself a Fit Talker.
On this blog, my goal is to provide information, stories, and anecdotes related to the trials and tribulations of living a (semi) healthy life. Yes, I know that cake is bad for me, but that doesn't mean I can always resist it.
One wise friend said "I work out hard so I can have pizza and beer". Makes total sense to me.
I really love to work out. Going to the gym is a hobby and has helped me get through some difficult times. I've been known to tell people that the gym is my drug of choice. But again, that doesn't mean that there aren't days when I'm just not feeling it.
We're all human.
I got my Spinning certification in August 2009 after my company did lay offs and I was a casualty. It was something I had wanted to do for years and the humbling lay off experience was just the motivation I needed. While out of work I taught 5 classes a week, sometimes subbing more. I loved it. Yet unfortunately there's not enough money in Spinning to make it a full time gig. Not to mention my body (specifically my legs) started to hate me.
I was always looking for new spin ride ideas and music but found that there wasn't much quality information out there so I decided to start posting my rides. While not with the frequency I'd like, I do still share them as frequently as possible.
I have a bachelors degree in Communications and Management, an MBA in Marketing and a fitness certification in Spinning. Professionally, I work in marketing for a medical device company, teach Spinning, and host speed dating parties. Yes, my plate is full.
So here I am, hoping to bring something helpful to you with each post, even if it's nothing more than a smile or a chuckle.
And oh yeah, I'm in my 30s. It seems to me like every blogger talks about their life experience and then I read that they're in their early 20s. I'm not.
Thanks for stopping by,
PS feel free to email me with any questions/comments/thoughts at