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Friday, August 12, 2011

Fabulous Friday!!

I'm back in CT.  Woohooo!  I don't think I've ever been so excited for a plane to land as I was yesterday.  I can't even say why, but I was just so ready to be home.

My trip to PA was really productive, just totally draining in several ways.  But now I'm back and I swear that I have an extra hop in my step.

I returned just in time to teach my Thursday night class, which was fine.  After class, we're about to start stretching and the fire alarm goes off.  I believe I mentioned this before, but about 1.5 years ago, I was teaching a 6a class and the fire alarm went off because there was actually a FIRE.  So of course I made my whole class leave yesterday and we were the only ones who even acknowledged the alarm.  Seriously.

Taught again this morning at 6a as a sub.  At least now I don't feel so bad for being super lazy and unmotivated the whole time I was away.

So I thought for some reason that today I'd mention the blogs on my "what I'm reading" column on the left.  I realized some of them are kind of random, so I figured I'd do a quick shout out as to why they're there and why I love to read them.

here goes....
Peanut Butter Fingers - Julie's writing is fun to read, plus she has the most adorable puppy!  I think I found her blog through other blogs and enjoy reading about her day to day.  oh yeah, she's also the smoothie queen so I've gotten some great info from her blog on that topic.
J's Everyday Fashion - Again, I think I found this one through another blog.  Everything J puts together looks awesome and she really makes me want to put more effort in to my outfits.  Plus she's really down to earth and willing to help.
Cake Wrecks - If you haven't checked them out, you must.  You will laugh, I promise.
The Fitnessista - Again, not sure how I found this one, but she's fun to read too.  She's a fitness instructor and a military wife, so it's always interesting.
Small Town Chic - This is my good friend Sarah, we went to college together.  I love being able to see what she's up to.  Her blog is mainly about fashion and her son.
Chrispins - Chris has a great blog for spinning music and she's so darn friendly.  I feel like we're friends even though we've never met.
The Un-Runner's Blog - A friend put a link to this blog on facebook and she made me laugh, so I added her to the list.
Darcy Knoblich - Another fellow spin instructor but she posts some useful information and recipes too.
Wedding Photographer - Watson Studios - OK, they are my favorite.  They're a husband and wife photographer team based in TN.  I went to college with Dan, the husband, and seriously think they're the BEST photographers out there.  If/when I get married, they're totally doing my wedding.  They recently had a baby though, so the posts haven't been all that frequent.
S p i n n i n g M u s i c - The original spinning music blog.  This was one of the first great sites I came across when I started teaching.  Unfortunately it's been a bit quiet now as I think people are all about ping, but it's still great!

If any of these sound interesting, check em out!  Or if you have any recommendations for other blogs, feel free to share. :)


Anonymous said...

Awww....thanks for mentioning my blog (and me)! I feel the same! And have you checked out Ping yet? I did notice that the spinning blogs I frequent have been quiet since we all started using Ping. I still like to post my playlists and the occasional musing for those that don't use PIng or Spotify (have you checked that out yet? Still playing with it, but it seems pretty cool!). I'm off for our last camping trip in the Cape this week! Catch up with you when I return!

Jessica said...

I keep trying Ping and my itunes keeps saying no. Must investigate.

Have a great time camping! Sounds lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...How dare iTunes tell you no! I hope you get it figured out. I don't remember exactly how I switched over, but I think a window just popped up and asked me if I wanted to upgrade and I was like, "Sure, why not!" So basically, I got on Ping by accident! Good luck with the investigation.