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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Instructor Question

Spinning instructors...I have a question for you.

Do any of your students/members spin their pedals backwards after class?

If so, how do you get them to stop?  What do you say?

The Spinning handbook mentions something about ultimately loosening (is that a word?) the screws (or whatever) that hold the pedals in place.  While that makes sense, after 45 minutes of pedaling forward, are they really going to undo it in 5 minutes pedaling backwards?

Is there a physiological reason why they shouldn't do this?

Also, feel free to post any questions you might have in the comments section and maybe we can help each other.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,

Check out this recent thread over at PedalOn about pedaling backward:

If the link doesn't work, go to the forums and check it out under 'Advocacy and Safety'. It should be near the top because it's fairly new. There's some good information there about bike mechanics as well as personal safety and even an argument in favor of backward pedaling for theraputic reasons.

Jessica said...

I actually went on to Pedal-on right after posting.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Unknown said...

I don't seem to have that problem (or I might not be paying attention). But instead I say at the end of class...

"Now let's do our first stretch OFF the bike to preserve the pedals".

And what happens....

I see members standing up on their pedals. I try to tell them that is putting too much pressure on the bike frame and it's not meant to have that downward direct pressure. Doesn't seem to help. Do you have this issue as well?