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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday - here, there, and everywhere

Happy new week!  I know it's Tuesday, but hope you had a great weekend!

My weekend was ok.  Some car troubles made it stressful, but overall things are ok.  Got some family time in, which is always enjoyable.

Ended the week on a good note.  Class on Saturday was good, although a bit small (I blame the (amazing)weather).

I did manage to run 3x last week.  Woo hoo!
Tuesday - 2 miles
Thursday - .8 miles (totally ran out of time)
Friday - 2.5 miles
Nothing crazy, but heading in the right direction.

My pushups are getting better too.  As i've said before, I love exercises like push ups because they're easy to count, and as that number gets higher, you know you're getting stronger. 

This week will be a bit more chaotic as there's a fun girls night in the mix tonight, but it's all good, i'll squeeze something in, and if not, it's only one day.

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