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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Schedule

I've been saying for a while that it's time for me to put the pedal to the medal and focus more on my gym time and training for the half marathon that i'd like to do in September.  Thus far I've been all talk, but I think I might be ready to change that. 

I figure writing out a tentative plan here, for all to read, might help me stay on track.  What makes it difficult is my spinning schedule, but I think I've figured it out.

My current Spin schedule:
Monday - 9:30a
Wednesday - 9:30a and 6:30p
Saturday - 10a

The goal is to not do any big runs on days where I spin, especially not Wednesday.

This is my tentative plan...

Monday - Spin in the AM, weights in the PM
Tuesday - Run (i've been doing 2 miles, but would like to bump that up) and then Boxing class
Wednesday - double spin
Thursday - Run (depending on how my legs feel after Wednesday) then bootcamp or a similar class, plus some leg work
Friday - Run or off day
Saturday - Spin and weights, possible short run in the evening, depending on the weather
Sunday, Run or off day

This seems logical to me.  My goal is to start to bump up my distance atleast one day a week.  I haven't yet figured out the details, but will post them as I sort through them.  I'm going to keep track in an Excel file and i'll post that in the next week or two.

Any training plans you'd recommend?

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