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Thursday, November 17, 2011

An actual link to the new blog

Because my last post was written on my iPad it didn't hyperlink the URL.

So...two ways...

Click HERE to go to my new blog



Come on over and say hello!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm moving...for now

I'm so frustrated with blogger that I've moved over to WordPress. Come see me there and if anything changes I'll update both spots.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Frustrating update

I have so much to say since it's been so long since I've posted. I'm writing from my iPad again which while great is also super annoying since I dont have a keyboard and can't upload pics or copy and paste. :( That aside... I have a couple of spin rides to post but that will require a little more time. This past weekend was the NYC marathon which my sister once again ran. She rocked it and did it in 3:29, which is about an 8 minute mike the whole time. Nuts! It was a fun weekend with beautiful weather. Food wise I'm doing well. I've been watching my diet for a bit over a month and have lost just under 5 pounds which is awesome. I feel great! Health wise some of my earlier issues have come to a head making November a tad more eventful than I would have liked. I'm have my deviated septum fixed on nov 22 which has always been the plan. However, I'm now having another surgery on nov 18. That one is for the previous issues. It is surgery but it's quick and should have a relatively easy recovery. Add this to the fact that I'm seeing trans Siberian orchestra this weekend and it translates to me not teaching my Saturday class again until December. I'm not happy about it but I have no choice. So that is an uber cliff notes version of what is going on with me. I will be back soon...promise.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I have a virus

No, I'm not sick, but my work computer is. My work computer is a laptop so it's what I use about 90% of the time. It has a virus that has totally stumped my IT folks. The weirdest thing is, it wont let me access blogger at all. I've drafted up posts but can not get online to publish them. So here I am apologizing from my iPad. I will try to use my desktop in the meantime so I can blog. I'm sure my lack of posts has left a huge void in your lives. :)