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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here we go again

I have a 5K next Friday.  That's 8 days from today.

In the past month, I've run approximately 2 miles, total.

It's a sunset run, so it starts at 6:30ish.  Keep in mind that it's July and on a day like today, at 6:30 it will still be over 80 degrees.  I really hope that's not the case next week.  Heck, if it's like today, with air so thick you can grab it, I'll probably walk it.

I have a cyst.  I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to run but I'm hoping for the best.

However, the good news is that it's my second 5K and the first one didn't have official timing, so I'll definitely have a personal best!  :)

Other exciting news for me is that my friend is letting me borrow her hybrid bike.  So excited!  I had gone to the cycle store last week to get some information and get an idea of prices.  Of course I ended up totally overwhelmed with information and unsure whether to go the road or hybrid route.  When I asked for her input she reminded me that she has an extra that has been in her garage for years.  Score! So this weekend I'll pick it up and maybe even give it a whirl.  Stay tuned for that.

Have a great evening!!

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