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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday (for lack of a better title)

Happy Thursday (almost Friday, really)!

Somehow I managed to literally kick my own a$$ in my classes on Wednesday.  I teach two classes every Wednesday, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not.  Apparently yesterday was one of the tougher days.  So this AM, I was sore.  Plus during my Boxing class on Tuesday I managed to strain my lower back.  I blame the kettlebells. Side note:  If you're new to them, please ask for help as they can be really dangerous to the back.

So I figured I'd take it easy today and do Yoga.  Great plan.

Showed up at one of the gyms for an 11am class.  I was there by 10:45 and in the studio about 10:55.  No instructor to be found.  Others in the class told me she's always late.  She rolled in about 11:20 complaining of traffic.  No offense lady, but that's bullsh*t, especially if it happens EVERY week.  Class was kind of lousy.  My opinion?  She needs to be fired.  Lateness is not acceptable.  There are plenty of new/enthusiastic yoga instructors there looking for classes (I don't know this for a fact but I'm guessing).

I'm not a huge yoga fan as I'm more of a go-go-go type person (hence spin), but I recognize that it's great to add in to the mix to improve flexibility and strength in a different way.  So much for the Thursday class, guess I'll have to find another to try.

Looking forward to giving Pilates another whirl as well.  A good friend (hi Jacky!) recently got certified and I can't wait until she has a class.

In summary, I'm a cardio-a-holic and like working hard, but do feel that some yoga/pilates in the mix is a great thing!

Confession:  I can't stand the end of a Yoga class when you just lie there, drives me nuts!  Am I alone here?

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